Your Journal Title

Mini - Journal Jekyll Theme

Powered by Jekyll GitHub Pages

Demo site : Visit Mini-journal Demo

Mini-Journal is a minimalist Jekyll theme designed for hosting on GitHub Pages, particularly well-suited for long-form content creators such as researchers, journal writers, bloggers, and academicians. It is straightforward to set up and deploy, with a range of pre-built features. Licensed under the MIT License. Built on top of the Jekyll Minima Theme.

Mini-Journal Features

Markdown Features

Markdown features supported, with checked options:

Additional Features

Front Matter

Front Matter is a vital component that should be included at the beginning of every file located within the _JOURNALS folder. Here is an example of a well-structured front matter:

title: Your Title Here
description: A Moderately Long Description of Your Journal
date: YYYY-MM-DD
youtube: content-id-here
lang: English
Contributors: Name1, Name2
Reviewers: username1, username2
toc: true
giscus: true

Here’s how each component functions:

For your primary research paper, let’s say it’s named “” and it is written in English. You should include the following frontmatter like,

lang: English

and for any translated versions of that paper, lets take the language of the translated paper as Spanish for exaple, you should name the files like: “” and specify the language in the frontmatter as,

lang: Spanish


Available alerts

You can use this alerts by including a liquid tag in your md page like {% include alerts/note.html content=”your content goes here” %}

Steps to use this Mini-Journal

Step 1: Fork Mini-Journal Repo

Fork the Mini-Journal Repo to your GitHub Profile

Use this One-Tap link

Step 2: Customize Your Site Appearance

Customize your sites base url and other site info in /_config.yml

Feel free to change your site styles in /assets/css/styles.css

Step 3: Add your Journal posts

Remove the exixting files from /_Journals, and add your journal files with the proper front matter values

Contact Me

For feature updat es to the Mini-Journal Jekyll Theme contact me via,

Also feel free to contribute to this open-source repository.